Paris Agreement
For NetZero
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Paris Agreement
For NetZero
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Dear Economic Players,
We do believe that ClimateTech Solutions, aside Preserving Natural Carbon Sinks & LifeStyles Changing, will deliver both: sustainable & viable Planet to live AND "purpose jobs" for billions of People in XXI Century. Giving all Stakeholders a relevant sense, in this massive transformative Era, and for the NextOnes.
The Accelerator, Tailor-Made Program
✅ Deliver the best mix of Matchmaking: Climate Solution Prodivers (Startups, SpinOffs, Labs, etc) & Seekers (Corporates, Investors)
✅ Supporting the Enablers: CXOs (Innovation, Tech, Sustainable) & Boards, in add Policy Makers.
✅ We want to go beyond only ClimateTechs scaling & deployment, by fulfilling Healthier GDPs.
By breaking silos, in a pure cross-border minds, we support for the multi-sectorial sustainability:
✅ Decoding the Climate frontiers of Investment & Tech (TRL 1-9)
✅ When Private & Public Sectors inspire each other, in a whole capital life cycle
✅ When Cross-border Practices and Investments thesis are taking the risk to save Humanity's opportunities & Adaptative Capabilities.
⏳ Time is our limited resource.
💡 Creativity & Entrepreneurship are our unlimited source of innovations.
🚀 Are you ready for change? Now, Action!
To go further, just see below the Manifesto motivating the creation of the Open & Hybrid Accelerator, Decarbonizing.NET
Fabrice F. Seng
by Climate Tech Venture
With a passion to contribute solving and aligning the Climate Equation (Physics) with the Business Equation (Economics). That is raising the NetPositivePlanet by Ethics.
The science is clear, The Global Economy must be clearer. Industries & Finance are the front-liners and first movers to make the shift.
Accelerating the new Decarbonizing process is our Common Responsibility towards People & Planet for Sustainable Profits.
- In a limited World, with limited resources, our Economic Model is based like unlimit is the "norm", and for eternity.
- The Model must be changed deep, fast and at scale. Even if we may know how, willingness is not enough or fully demonstrated. We must reshape mindsets within all the value chain players.
- Climate is not an asset class, or an option for specialists, neither a Moral action for Happy-Few, Philanthropists. Climate is THE Meta Asset that impacts all those we have, and we will manage.
- If Science Based Targets and Gold Standards, ESG, Impact Investing gain more visibility, it’s time to go faster, and embed every practitioner in the loop.
- From Green Taxonomies, we now need upgrated quality standards for solutions by ClimateTechTaxonomy.
- All Investors, from small to great ones, from private to public, must practice Finance with this Meta Climate & Biodiversity Assessment Filter.
The Solutions we need already SpinOff and PopUp everywhere, but not at scale:
- From the massive and distributed Divest / Invest dynamic, we should consider a real mix composition: Technologies, Nature based solution and Inclusive & Just GeoPolicies.
- Being a "XXI Economic Player" is becoming a "NetZero Economic Players".
That's why we want here to contribute to this challenging Era, by scaling batches of Matching Players (Climate Solution Seekers, Providers & Enablers) toward Climate Science & Tech, Investment & Policy Making. That is Decarbonizing.NET
Decarbonizing.NET . The Matching Accelerator for Climate Solutions . ©2024